Here's a Quick Look Into the Fundamentals of ServiceNow (NOW) Stock

ServiceNow logged a 0.4% change during today's evening session, and is now trading at a price of $591.38 per share. On average, analysts give it a target price of $595.09.

ServiceNow, Inc. provides enterprise cloud computing solutions that defines, structures, consolidates, manages, and automates services for enterprises worldwide. The large-cap company is based in the United States.

Make Sure to Consider the Following Before Buying ServiceNow:

  • ServiceNow has moved 29.0% over the last year.

  • NOW has a forward P/E ratio of 51.9 based on its EPS guidance of 11.39.

  • Over the last 6 years, earnings per share (EPS) have been growing at a compounded average rate of 44.4%.

  • The company has a price to earnings growth (PEG) ratio of 2.66.

  • Its Price to Book (P/B) ratio is 17.44

ServiceNow Has a Pattern of Improving Cash Flows

Date Reported Cash Flow from Operations ($ k) Capital expenditures ($ k) Free Cash Flow ($ k) YoY Growth (%)
2023-01-31 2,723,000 -550,000 3,273,000 26.37
2022-02-03 2,191,000 -399,000 2,590,000 16.77
2021-02-12 1,786,000 -432,000 2,218,000 40.91
2020-02-20 1,236,000 -338,000 1,574,000 48.5
2019-02-27 811,089 -248,862 1,059,951 32.49
2018-02-28 642,821 -157,180 800,001

ServiceNow's free cash flow history is impressive because it displays year-on-year increases over the last 6 years. Averaging out at $1.92 Billion, and following a compounded average growth rate of 0.0%, investors who focus on cash flow growth should do further research on this firm.

The above analysis is intended for educational purposes only and was performed on the basis of publicly available data. It is not to be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Any buy, sell, or other recommendations mentioned in the article are direct quotations of consensus recommendations from the analysts covering the stock, and do not represent the opinions of Market Inference or its writers. Past performance, accounting data, and inferences about market position and corporate valuation are not reliable indicators of future price movements. Market Inference does not provide financial advice. Investors should conduct their own review and analysis of any company of interest before making an investment decision.