Millicom International Cellular logged a 18.34% change during today's morning session, and is now trading at a price of $14.83 per share. On average, analysts give it a target price of $18.53.
Millicom International Cellular SA offers mobile and cable services in Latin America and Africa. The company is headquartered in Luxembourg.. If you are thinking buying Millicom International Cellular should be aware of the facts below:
Based on its trailing earning per share of 5.05, Millicom International Cellular has a trailing 12 month Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio of 2.94
TIGO has a forward P/E ratio of 5.56.
The company has a price to earnings growth (PEG) ratio of 0.925 — a number between 0 and 1 signifying that Millicom International Cellular is fairly valued compared to its estimated growth potential
Its Price to Book (P/B) ratio is 0.571
The mid-cap company is based in the United States. Millicom International Cellular currently returns an annual dividend yield of 8.28%.