United Therapeutics Appoints Jan Malcolm to Board

United Therapeutics Corporation (NASDAQ: UTHR) has recently announced the election of Jan Malcolm, the former Minnesota Commissioner of Health, to its board of directors. Malcolm brings with her a wealth of experience in health policy, public health, and health care finance and delivery. She has been twice Minnesota's commissioner of health and has been recognized for her dedication to improving public health and the care of complex populations.

Malcolm's election comes after the annual meeting held on June 26, 2024, where she was elected by the company's shareholders. Her addition to the board is seen as a valuable step in refreshing the board and bringing in new skill sets to pursue the company's patient-centric public benefit purpose.

In her role, Malcolm will support the company's efforts to revolutionize the treatment of end-stage organ disease through the development, commercialization, and distribution of manufactured organs. Her deep healthcare operational experience and leadership in public health and government are seen as vital to achieving the company's mission.

Malcolm takes over the board seat previously held by Professor Katherine Klein, who did not stand for re-election at the 2024 annual meeting of shareholders. The company expressed gratitude to Professor Klein for her decade of service, during which she helped oversee a period of exciting growth for United Therapeutics.

United Therapeutics Corporation is known for being the first publicly-traded biotech or pharmaceutical company to take the form of a public benefit corporation (PBC). The company's public benefit purpose is to provide a brighter future for patients through the development of novel pharmaceutical therapies and technologies that expand the availability of transplantable organs.

The addition of Jan Malcolm to the board of directors signifies an important step for United Therapeutics as it continues to pursue its mission and address the severe shortage of transplantable organs.

As United Therapeutics moves forward with its vision and mission to innovate for the unmet medical needs of patients, Malcolm's unique qualifications and experience are expected to play a pivotal role in the company's future endeavors. Following these announcements, the company's shares moved -0.2%, and are now trading at a price of $318.27. For the full picture, make sure to review United Therapeutics's 8-K report.

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