Large-cap Energy company Suncor Energy has moved 0.4% so far today on a volume of 281,339, compared to its average of 4,816,477. In contrast, the S&P 500 index moved 0.0%.
Suncor Energy trades -10.41% away from its average analyst target price of $43.03 per share. The 3 analysts following the stock have set target prices ranging from $41.969467 to $45.06338, and on average have given Suncor Energy a rating of buy.
If you are considering an investment in SU, you'll want to know the following:
Suncor Energy has moved 5.4% over the last year, and the S&P 500 logged a change of 10.8%
Based on its trailing earnings per share of 3.27, Suncor Energy has a trailing 12 month Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio of 11.8 while the S&P 500 average is 29.3
SU has a forward P/E ratio of 12.2 based on its forward 12 month price to earnings (EPS) of $3.16 per share
Its Price to Book (P/B) ratio is 1.08 compared to its sector average of 1.86
Suncor Energy Inc. operates as an integrated energy company in Canada, the United States, and internationally.
Based in Calgary, the company has 15,010 full time employees and a market cap of $47.7 Billion. Suncor Energy currently returns an annual dividend yield of 5.7%.