Large-cap Real Estate company Brookfield has moved -1.5% so far today on a volume of 1,319,698, compared to its average of 1,707,379. In contrast, the S&P 500 index moved -0.0%.
Brookfield trades -5.55% away from its average analyst target price of $62.62 per share. The 8 analysts following the stock have set target prices ranging from $41.0 to $74.0, and on average have given Brookfield a rating of buy.
If you are considering an investment in BN, you'll want to know the following:
Brookfield has moved 53.4% over the last year, and the S&P 500 logged a change of 28.9%
Based on its trailing earnings per share of 0.46, Brookfield has a trailing 12 month Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio of 128.6 while the S&P 500 average is 29.3
BN has a forward P/E ratio of 10.1 based on its forward 12 month price to earnings (EPS) of $5.87 per share
Its Price to Book (P/B) ratio is 2.16 compared to its sector average of 2.15
Brookfield Corporation is an alternative asset manager and REIT/Real Estate Investment Manager firm focuses on real estate, renewable power, infrastructure and venture capital and private equity assets.
Based in Toronto, the company has 240,000 full time employees and a market cap of $89.22 Billion.