Is it worth buying Banco Santander stock at a price of $7.09? If this question is on your mind, make sure to check out the fundamentals of this Commercial Banking Large-Cap company:
Banco Santander has logged a 56.9% 52 week change, compared to 7.5% for the S&P 500
Its trailing earnings per share (EPS) is $0.84, which brings its trailing Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio to 8.4. The Finance sector's average P/E ratio is 20.04
The company's forward earnings per share (EPS) is $0.79 and its forward P/E ratio is 9.0
The company has a Price to Book (P/B) ratio of 1.09 in contrast to the Finance sector's average P/B ratio is 1.86
SAN has reported YOY quarterly earnings growth of 16.6% and gross profit margins of 0.0%
The company's free cash flow for the last fiscal year was $-60172000000 and the average free cash flow growth rate is -17.3%