Large-cap Finance company Apollo Global Management has logged a -10.7% change today on a trading volume of 8,521,319. The average volume for the stock is 2,593,217.
Apollo Global Management, Inc. is a private equity firm specializing in investments in credit, private equity and real estate markets. Based in New York, United States the company has 4,879 full time employees and a market cap of $58,908,987,392. Apollo Global Management currently offers its equity investors a dividend that yields 1.5% per year.
The company is now trading -21.47% away from its average analyst target price of $131.83 per share. The 12 analysts following the stock have set target prices ranging from $118.0 to $147.0, and on average give Apollo Global Management a rating of buy.
Over the last 52 weeks, APO stock has risen 20.0%, which amounts to a 1.7% difference compared to the S&P 500. The stock's 52 week high is $126.45 whereas its 52 week low is $77.11 per share. Based on Apollo Global Management's average net margin growth of 21.9% over the last 4 years, its core business is on track for profitability and its strong stock performance may continue in the long term.
Date Reported | Total Revenue ($ k) | Net Profit ($ k) | Net Margins (%) | YoY Growth (%) |
2023 | 32,644,000 | 5,047,000 | 15 | 183.33 |
2022 | 10,968,000 | -1,961,000 | -18 | -158.06 |
2021 | 5,951,000 | 1,839,000 | 31 | 342.86 |
2020 | 2,354,000 | 157,000 | 7 |